¿Qué es el Google_product_category?

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Written By Anjelino

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The Google product category [google_product_category] attribute can be used to override Google’s automatic categorisation in specific cases.

What is google_product_category?

The Google product category [google_product_category] attribute can be used to override Google’s automatic categorisation in specific cases.

What should I put for Google product category?

You should provide the most specific category possible from the Google Product Category list. For tax purposes, Google Product Categories must be at least two levels deep, for example, Apparel & Accessories > Clothing.

How do I change my Google product category?

Go to the Manage Feed > Define Fields page. Click Edit for the google_product_category field. Enter the category in the Default Value box without double-quotes, and click the Update button. You can only choose one category.

How does Google taxonomy work?

Simply put, Google Taxonomy is the list of categories used by Google to help departmentalize products in a shopping feed. There are more than 6,000 categories and the full Taxonomy and category list can be found here. In some countries, product categories can be subdivided.

What is google_product_category?

The Google product category [google_product_category] attribute can be used to override Google’s automatic categorisation in specific cases.

What is a product category example?

A group of products that offer similar benefits can be referred to as product categories. Products from a same product category will have similar physical features and will offer similar benefits. For example, in the luxury cars product category, cars such as BMW, Mercedes, and Audi compete with each other.

What is the difference between product type and product category in Google?

Use the product type [product_type] attribute to include your own product categorization system in your product data. Unlike the Google product category [google_product_category] attribute, which uses a collection of predefined categories, you choose which value to include for product type.

What is the difference between product type and product category?

Products can be broadly classified into product types, such as Software and Hardware. A product type can be further organized into one or more product categories. For example, Software may be sub-divided into Business Software and Educational Software categories.

Can you change your primary category on Google My Business?

Under “About,” select Business category. To add or edit your primary category: In the “Primary category” box, enter and select the category from the options that show up. To add an additional category: Select Add another category. Then, in the “Additional category” box, enter and select the category you want to add.

How do I edit products and services in Google?

Tips: On your desktop, on Google Search, select Edit products. To edit or delete products, select them from the product list.

Why is Google product category important?

So the better and more specific your product category, the more organic clicks you’ll receive from relevant customer search queries, the better your ad campaigns will perform.

What is the product category structure?

A product category refers to a certain sort of item or service. To arrange products, a company usually creates product categories. This can be in the form of a tree-like hierarchy of categories. Product categories can also take the form of a flat structure, such as a list of product types.

How important is Google taxonomy?

The taxonomy is crucial for the product ads as it helps Google to identify if the products in a given feed are a good match for a given shopper query. Product categorization used to be exclusively a merchant’s errand, and oftentimes a cumbersome one.

What is the purpose of the product category?

A product category is a group of similar products that share related characteristics. Product categories help businesses organize, promote, and price products. Product categories are sometimes confused with product classification. Both are organizational strategies that help guide marketing decisions.

What is the difference between product type and product category in Google?

Use the product type [product_type] attribute to include your own product categorization system in your product data. Unlike the Google product category [google_product_category] attribute, which uses a collection of predefined categories, you choose which value to include for product type.

What is the difference between product type and product category?

Products can be broadly classified into product types, such as Software and Hardware. A product type can be further organized into one or more product categories. For example, Software may be sub-divided into Business Software and Educational Software categories.

Where is product category in Google Analytics?

The default product dimensions, such as Revenue, Product Category (Enhanced Ecommerce), Product Brand, etc., appear in the Conversions > Ecommerce (or Enhanced Ecommerce) report.

What is google_product_category?

The Google product category [google_product_category] attribute can be used to override Google’s automatic categorisation in specific cases.

What are product categories?

A product category is a group of similar products that share related characteristics. Product categories help businesses organize, promote, and price products. Product categories are sometimes confused with product classification. Both are organizational strategies that help guide marketing decisions.

What are the 4 major categories of products?

What are the four classifications of products? There are four types of products and each is classified based on consumer habits, price, and product characteristics: convenience goods, shopping goods, specialty products, and unsought goods.

What are examples of categories?

For example, consider the following categories: trucks, wireless devices, weddings, psychopaths, and trout. Although the objects in a given category are different from one another, they have many commonalities.

Why are products categorized?

Why is product categorization so important? Proper categorization plays an important role in product discoverability, how your product listings are displayed, and even how sales tax is calculated. Advertising campaigns and operational procedures are also improved by accurate product categorization.

What are examples of products?

They can be physical or virtual. Physical products include durable goods (like cars, furniture, and computers) and nondurable goods (like food and beverages). Virtual products are offerings of services or experiences (such as education, software, and streaming services).

What are new product categories?

Like any product category, a new category is a collection of solutions to a specific customer problem. The problem might be a new problem that customers don’t even know they have, or it might be a new approach to solving an existing problem.

What are Google products called?

Products. Google Workspace comprises Gmail, Chat, Meet, Calendar; Drive for storage; Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, and Sites for collaboration; and an Admin panel and Vault for managing users and the services.